what I do (pages)

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Smallpox, polio, and autism

A few days ago, Canada's senators were debating a law about autism. According to Senator Wilbert J. Keon, this proposed law, Bill S-210, would establish "World Autism Awareness Day in Canada, to be celebrated each year on April 2."

Senator Keon states:

Through the passage of this bill, we are showing that we truly respect Canadians with autism.
And what is the direction and purpose of this proposed Canadian law, a law to raise autism awareness, by which our government is to show that it truly respects autistic citizens? Senator Keon explains:

We must now do the necessary research to understand what autism is; then we must eliminate it as we did with smallpox and polio.
So parliament's power will be used to spread awareness--to inform schools, families, employers, communities, landlords, governments, and so on--that autism is as frightening and harmful, as dangerous to society and the public good, as smallpox and polio. And just like smallpox and polio, autism must be eliminated--regardless of science and ethics, regardless of the wishes of autistics and/or parents of autistics. According to Senator Keon, who demands a Canada free of autistic people, this is the kind of awareness Bill S-210 is all about.